If you wish to contest your traffic ticket (plead not guilty), click here

Do not use this website to post bail for a Court Trial or Trial by Written Declaration. If you are intending to plead Not Guilty and want to post bail for your Court Trial or Trial by Written Declaration please mail in or visit the appropriate Courthouse to post your bail. If you continue to use this website to make your payment, you are paying your fine and closing your case. If your case is relating to a traffic citation, a conviction will be reported to the DMV.

If your ticket does not require a mandatory appearance, you can use any of the following payment methods: cash, checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and debit cards.

To Pay In Person

Counter service is available at any San Bernardino Superior Courthouse. Or, you many use the express drop box for payment and correspondence located in or near the public lobby, open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please do not submit duplicate payments or cash in the box, and allow a minimum of 2-3 days for processing. You need not be concerned that this processing time will render any timely payment delinquent.

To Pay By Mail

Send a check or money order to the Courthouse issuing the Traffic Ticket.
To find Courthouse addresses, click here.

If your case is in Failure to Pay status or to make payments via credit card on an existing payment plan you may call (909) 387-1470 during normal Court hours of operation.

To Pay Via Telephone

Call (909) 481-4228 or (760) 241-9529 24 hours a day.

To Pay Online

Click here to access the online payment portal. There may be a convenience fee charged for these services.

You may also contact us by phone or online to

  •  Pay fine and sign-up for Traffic School.
  •  Request an extension on a date to appear.
  •  Request an initial one-time payment extension.

Additional Payment Options

You may utilize online banking through your personal checking account at your financial institution. Please check with your financial institution for more information.

Request a Fine Reduction

MyCitations provides an option to answer a series of basic financial status questions and submit a request to the court for a possible fine reduction for your infraction citation based on financial need. You can also request a payment plan, more time to pay, or community service, without the need to appear in court.

MyCitations can be found at https://mycitations.courts.ca.gov.

Proof of Corrections

Proof of correction violations (or “fix-it tickets”) may be dismissed if the violation is eligible. You must pay the required dismissal transaction fee ($25) for each violation and submit proof of correction. If the violation involves registration, insurance or driver’s licenses, the court staff or DMV may verify and sign off the correction. For all other correctable violations, the vehicle must be inspected by a law enforcement agency. The officer will sign off the back of your citation. The Proof of Correction or the signed off citation must be submitted to the court with the payment of fees on or before the appearance date on your citation. You may submit proof and pay by mail or in person at the clerk’s office.

If you wish to appear in court, you must reserve an arraignment hearing to plead not guilty and request a court trial (Contest Your Traffic Ticket - Plead Not Guilty). In the arraignment hearing you will appear before a judicial officer, enter a not guilty plea, and request a court trial and then return for the scheduled court trial. You may reserve an arraignment hearing by speaking to a clerk at any San Bernardino Superior courthouse, or

calling the clerk’s office at the phone number on your citation or reminder notice.

Failure to Pay

Failure to respond to your ticket by the due date may result in a $100 civil assessment penalty being added to the original amount due and a referral to a collection agency pursuant to Penal Code 1214.1 or the issuance of a warrant for your arrest. In addition, if your account is referred to a collection agency, you may be subject to wage garnishments and bank levies through the franchise tax board court-ordered debt collection program.

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses on your traffic ticket, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay. However, you must appear before the court to do so.